Welcome to Day #5
Christina Pratt
The Importance of Following What You “Know”
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In this interview we talk about:
- Her unexpected initiation onto her shamanic path.
- How writing An Encyclopedia of Shamanism influenced and changed her life.
- Hearing and honoring the ancestors through our actions.
- How coming into “right relationship” with one another affects the web of life.
- Awakening the 5 wisdom bodies.
- How important it is to initiate young people into adulthood in a sacred, honoring way.
- Her course, “Masks of Illusions and the Authentic Self”.
- Christina ends with a centering Qigong earth breathing practice.
Shamanic healer, author, and teacher, Christina Pratt is the founder of Last Mask Center in Portland, Oregon. She is the author of the two-volume set An Encyclopedia of Shamanism and host of the international, live-Internet radio show Why Shamanism Now, offering over 350 hours of free podcasts on the practical application of shamanism in our time. For over 25 years she has performed effective, transformative shamanic healings for individuals, families, and communities using traditional forms of shamanism like soul retrieval and cleansings. She is pioneering new shamanic techniques to initiate our young and to heal our ancestral lines of the growing burden on the living created by the unresolved energies of the dead.
Pratt is a teacher of exceptional clarity, humor, and practicality. Her four-year Cycle of Transformation training offers shamanic skills for the New World, bringing an ancient shamanic cosmology and skill set into our time so that we, the Living, can heal, change, innovate, and become the medicine needed in our time. And we do all of this to open the way for those who are coming so that our descendants remember us as a blessing and not a curse on their world.

Meet your host Susan Jenkins!
Susan Jenkins is a Shamanic Practitioner, Spiritual Midwife and Medicine Dreamer who uses shamanic spirit and earth based practices to help people heal, empower themselves, and align with their soul essence and purpose. Susan received her unique gift of sight over three decades ago when she faced a serious health crisis that opened her to the realms of spirit and her shamanic path. She journeys there to receive wisdom, inspiration and guidance from the earth, spirit guides, power animals, the elements and forces of nature. A heart-centered, light worker, Susan works in collaboration with luminous beings to clear, heal, uplift, and balance energies. Clients report profound healing and positive shifts from her work. Susan works with clients in her private program and yearlong group program, “Birthing Yourself Into Being”. New group program starts in June 2016. CLICK HERE to find out more!
Interested in hearing more about me and my journey? Click the button to the left to listen to Neil Sattin’s interview with me!
The Inner Warrior Summit brought to you by SUSAN JENKINS of SHAMANICHEALINGWORK.COM.
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