Welcome to Day #21
Susun Weed
Honoring and Nourishing Ourselves as Exquisite Dynamic Organisms
You can listen to Susun’s interview for 72 hours. 4/17-4/19
During our interview Susun shares:
- How she became a High Priestess of the Dianic Wicca.
- Her initiation as a Peace Elder of the Wolf Clan of the Great Peaceful Nation.
- “Holistic Health”, finding and nourishing all the pieces of ourselves.
- Seeing and welcoming upheaval and change as a natural ordering principle of the universe.
- Stress, a powerful reminder that stress is what gives a bridge its strength.
- The importance of aligning with and tuning into the Sun Cycles as well as the Moon Cycles.
- Remembering that we’re dynamic, ever changing, living organisms.
- The 7 medicines and 7 traditions. And much more.
Susun Weed has been a favorite speaker on all “The Inner Warrior Summits”. Susun is a wise woman, healer, and renowned herbalist, with an encyclopedic knowledge of herbs and health. She is the voice of The Wise Woman Way, where common weeds, simple ceremony, and compassionate listening support and nourish health, wholeness, and holiness. She is committed to “reweaving the healing cloak of the ancients”, and offers apprenticeships, workshops, special gatherings, ceremonies, correspondence courses for thousands every year! She also hosts a blog talk radio show, and does wellness adventures in Costa Rica in the winters.
Susun began studying herbal medicine in 1965 when she was living in Manhattan while pregnant with her daughter, Justine Adelaide Swede. She wrote her first book — Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year (now in its 29th printing)– in 1985 and published it as the first title of Ash Tree Publishing in 1986. It was followed by Healing Wise (1989), New Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way (1992 and revised in 2002), Breast Cancer? Breast Health! The Wise Woman Way (1996) and Down There: Sexual and Reproductive Health the Wise Woman Way.
In addition to her writing, Susun trains apprentices, oversees the work of more than 300 correspondence course students, coordinates the activities of the Wise Woman Center, and is a High Priestess of Dianic Wicca, a member of the Sisterhood of the Shields, and a Peace Elder.
Susun is a contributor to the Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women’s Studies, peer- reviewed journals, and popular magazines, including a regular column in Sagewoman.
Her worldwide teaching schedule encompasses herbal medicine, ethnobotany, pharmacognosy, psychology of healing, ecoherbalism, nutrition, and women’s health issues and her venues include medical schools, hospital wellness centers, breast cancer centers, midwifery schools, naturopathic colleges, and shamanic training centers, as well as many conferences. www.wisewomanuniversity.org susunweed.com
Renee Baribeau
Navigating the Powerful Winds in Our Lives
You can listen to Renee’s interview for 72 hours. 4/17-4/19
On the interview we talk about:
- Initiating transformation and change through working with the winds in your life.
- Our bodies are the like the needle on our compass.
- When she began studying an ancient wind technology from 4050 B.C., that’s at
the foundation of her “wind work”. - How to read, ride and interpret the everyday winds in our lives.
- The importance of trusting and holding a powerful vision for your life.
- Do your inner work even when things are hard, and remember that the stars come out in the dark!
Renee Baribeau is known worldwide as, “The Practical Shaman.” As a gifted sage, mentor, healer, blogger, author, life coach and chef, wind whistler, she injects humor and practical wisdom into her dynamic, inspirational workshops.
The “Awakening Compass®,” featured in her upcoming book, “Winds of Spirit,” is a navigational tool designed to provide guidance, focus and clarity of direction in your life, no matter which way the wind is blowing. She is a contributing author to, “Pearls of Wisdom: 30 Inspirational Ideas to Live Your Best Life Now!” with New York Times bestselling author Jack Canfield. Renee has also been featured in, “The Five Principles of Everything.” http://thepracticalshaman.com

Meet your host Susan Jenkins!
Susan Jenkins is a Shamanic Practitioner, Spiritual Midwife and Medicine Dreamer who uses shamanic spirit and earth based practices to help people heal, empower themselves, and align with their soul essence and purpose. Susan received her unique gift of sight over three decades ago when she faced a serious health crisis that opened her to the realms of spirit and her shamanic path. She journeys there to receive wisdom, inspiration and guidance from the earth, spirit guides, power animals, the elements and forces of nature. A heart-centered, light worker, Susan works in collaboration with luminous beings to clear, heal, uplift, and balance energies. Clients report profound healing and positive shifts from her work. Susan works with clients in her private “Dreaming and Embodying Your Vision” program CLICK HERE and yearlong group program, “Birthing Yourself Into Being”. New group program starts in June 2016. CLICK HERE to find out more!
Interested in hearing more about me and my journey? Click the button to the left to listen to Neil Sattin’s interview with me!
The Inner Warrior Summit brought to you by SUSAN JENKINS of SHAMANICHEALINGWORK.COM.
COPYRIGHT © 2016 Susan Jenkins. Site Designed by Chloe Faith Graphics.