Thank you for your interest in The Inner Warrior Summit!

Please check your email for a welcome message from Susan.

Season 5 is over but still available for purchase.

Check out all the amazing speakers who helped create this event below!

Want to Have Access to ALL the Interviews & Special Bonuses for Years to Come?

ONLY $197 (a $1,497 value!)

Day #1

Monday, September 14th

Dereca Blackmon

Susan Jenkins

Day #2

Tuesday, September 15th

Kelly Blaser

Renee Baribeau

Day #3

Wednesday, September 16th

Nandhiji Yogi

Ana Forrest & Jose Calarco

Want to Have Access to ALL the Interviews & Special Bonuses for Years to Come?

ONLY $197 (a $1,497 value!)

Day #4

Thursday, September 17th

Cynthia James

Hemalayaa Behl

Day #5

Friday, September 18th

Dr. Sue Morter

Rev. Dr. Terrlyn L. Curry Avery

Day #6

Saturday, September 19th

Jeanine Staples

Eva Medilek

Day #7

Sunday, September 20th

Christina Miglino

Alexis Cohen

Day #8

Monday, September 21st

Aaron Glassman

Joyce van der Lely

Day #9

Tuesday, September 22nd

Susan Jenkins: Equinox Honoring Prayer and Guided Journey

Susun Weed

Day #10

Wednesday, September 23rd

Lettie Sullivan

Ronna Prince

Want to Have Access to ALL the Interviews & Special Bonuses for Years to Come?

ONLY $197 (a $1,497 value!)

Day #11

Thursday, September 24th

Sophia Leva-Marie

Linda Fitch

Day #12

Friday, September 25th

Richard Schwartz

Andrew Forsthoefel

Day #13

Saturday, September 26th

Llyn Cedar Roberts

Tj Bartel

Day #14

Sunday, September 27th

Sarah McLean

Susan Jenkins: Closing Ceremony

Meet your host Susan Jenkins

Susan has been on her shamanic path for over 37 years now. She teaches shamanic spirit and earth based practices to help people heal, empower themselves, embody their shining essence, and manifest their soul purpose.

A heart centered, multi-dimensional light worker, Susan journeys into the spirit realms, for inspiration and guidance from angelic beings, goddesses, spirit animals, nature beings, and luminous spirit guides to facilitate deep healing on the spiritual, emotional, energetic and genetic planes.
Clients report profound healing and positive shifts from working with Susan in her
Dreaming & Embodying Your Vision Private Program & her Birthing Into Being Group Program that begins in November 2020.

If you’re interested in working with Susan, you can book a Free Visioning Call with her by

The Inner Warrior Summit brought to you by SUSAN JENKINS of SHAMANICHEALINGWORK.COM.

COPYRIGHT © 2020 Susan Jenkins. Site Designed by Chloe Faith Graphics.