Susan Jenkins

A Healing Place to Cultivate Hope, Cut Through the Chaos, Reclaim Your Power & Radiate Your Light!


During the interview we explore:

  • My initiation onto my shamanic path 37 years ago.
  • My intentions for The Inner Warrior Summit ~ Season 5 Masterclass
  • What I hope listeners will gain from attending the summit masterclass.
  • How shamanic tools and practices are accessible to everyone with the right instruction and practice.
Susan has been on her shamanic path for over 37 years now. She teaches shamanic spirit and earth based practices to help people heal, empower themselves, embody their shining essence, and manifest their soul purpose.

A heart centered, multi-dimensional light worker, Susan journeys into the spirit realms, for inspiration and guidance from angelic beings, goddesses, spirit animals, nature beings, and luminous spirit guides to facilitate deep healing on the spiritual, emotional, energetic and genetic planes.
Clients report profound healing and positive shifts from working with Susan in her
Dreaming & Embodying Your Vision Private Program & her Birthing Into Being Group Program that begins in November 2020.

If you’re interested in working with Susan, you can book a Free Visioning Call with her by

Susan was Interviewed by Andrew Forsthoefel

Andrew is a writer and speaker living in southern Vermont. After graduating from college in 2011, he spent a year walking across the United States listening deeply to the people he met, and his memoir of the journey, Walking to Listen, has now been assigned as required reading in high schools and colleges across the country.

Andrew writes and speaks on the discipline of trustworthy listening and its role in the work of cultural transformation and healing at the personal and collective levels. He also facilitates workshops for young men in the work of developing emotional literacy and reimagining masculinity.

His work can be found at

The Inner Warrior Summit brought to you by SUSAN JENKINS of SHAMANICHEALINGWORK.COM.
COPYRIGHT © 2020 Susan Jenkins. Site Designed by Chloe Faith Graphics.