Come join me
and my beautiful daughter Chloe to
Ignite Your Wild Soul & Embody Your True Essence
Do you feel like there’s something missing in your life?
A Deep Connection to Your True Essence
Soul Purpose and Inner Power?
We know how painful it can feel to settle and not be living to your fullest most inspired, ignited potential.
Do you ever feel like you’re literally “dying” for inner freedom?
Gather in sacred circle tucked away in the jungle minutes from the beach at Blue Spirit Yoga Center in Nosara, Costa Rica.
During this powerful week together we’ll be:
Exploring the inner dance of your masculine and feminine energies to
bring more balance in your life. -
Dismantling old ways of being to open space to birth ourselves anew.
Learning how to cherish ourselves unconditionally and become our own beloveds.
Rekindle and remember our unique, magical gifts and creative powers.
Establish an intimate relationship with nature a transformative portal and reciprocal healing ally.
Journey into the spirit realms with animal spirits and guides for sweet medicine, guidance and deep healing.
Liberate yourself from disempowering cultural, collective stories.
Claim your sovereignty, once and for all!
April 25th – May 2nd, 2020

The shamanic path offers a spiritual, mystical, powerful, gentle way inward & forward.
Are you ready to surrender, soul dream and co-create a magical, empowered life beyond your wildest dreams this year?
If so, then put yourself and your spirit first this year and join me on a rejuvenating, nourishing, empowering tropical healing journey.
If you really want to reach your fullest potential, I encourage you to stop trying to “do it all alone” and join us in Nosara, Costa Rica April 25th – May 2nd, 2020.
Attended the Women’s Shamanic Retreat at Blue Spirit, Nosara, Costa Rica (May 2019)
Susan Jenkins is a masterful guide and genuine, heart-centered leader. A powerful and emerging voice of the feminine divine, she has one foot firmly rooted in the human experience and the other in the spirit dimension. She flows gently and easily between these worlds, setting the stage for a uniquely expansive and healing experience. I had adventures I never could have imagined until this retreat and grew in ways I didn’t even know existed. A gifted facilitator, Susan held a sacred space for our group and also participated as one of us, sharing the growth and deepening our connection.
Strong, gentle, and kind, Susan wrapped her heart around each and every participant. With the wild nature and beauty of the jungle as our setting, The Women’s Shamanic Retreat was an absolute treasure. I will return again and again.
Retreat Q & A
Q: Is this retreat just for people who’ve done shamanic work before?
A: No. The retreat is for anyone who wants to gather in sacred circle, deepen their connection with spirit, the natural world as a source of inner guidance, their helping spirit and animal guides, and ground their soul vision through earth based practices, shamanic journeys and sacred ceremony.
Q. What’s included in the investment?
A: Transportation to and from the airport, lodging, gourmet vegetarian cuisine, shamanic teachings, dream body work, yoga and more!
Q: I’ve already done lots of other transformational work. Why might this help me?
A: There are so many modalities and pathways to healing and deep transformation. And so many don’t include essential, grounding, earth based practices. The shamanic path helps you center and ground deeply with the earth, work closely with the elements and nature as portals and sources of power.
Through shamanic journey work you’ll connect with your helping spirit animals and guides there waiting to work with you!
A mystical path and journey of remembering and returning to your authentic, creature self; a soothing experience for you soul.u!
Q: I’m already pretty content with my life. Do I really need this?
A: Well, even in your words “pretty content” you’re clearly not “on fire” in your life! Maybe you’re feeling restless in spirit, tired of playing small. Living a mediocre life is not lighting you up. You just know there’s so much more! It’s time.
Q: Why would I need this?
A: Maybe you’re ready to finally treat yourself and put yourself first!
This retreat could satisfy that deep longing in your soul for so much more. You know that there’s more to your life and you don’t want to waste another precious moment of your life! You’re ready to give yourself this special time where you’ll be taken care of so that you can tend to your spirit first, clarify your soul vision and take your life to a whole new level.
So if you’re someone whose spirit and heart is calling you to join me, then please don’t wait any longer!
Contact Susan now so we can see if this is your next step! support@susanjenkins.com
Or go ahead and click on the YES! I’m Interested button below, fill out an application and book a free call
with Susan.
Exquisite accommodations, freshly prepared gourmet cuisine, transformative shamanic practices and teachings, dream body work, yoga, transportation, tips and more!

I’m thrilled to be returning to Blue Spirit Yoga Center in Nosara, Costa Rica to lead
another shamanic weeklong retreat April 25th – May 2nd, 2020.
Nestled in the jungle overlooking a white sand beach, you’ll wake up to the howler monkeys, tropical birds and soothing ocean waves.
It’s a perfect setting for your rejuvenating tropical shamanic healing journey.
Imagine gathering in sacred circle with other conscious, like hearted sisters and brothers doing deep transformative inner work in this exquisite, nurturing jungle environment.
SPACES ARE LIMITED! Is one of them yours?
This is one of those life changing opportunities that comes along rarely.
Click Below to apply and book a free call with Susan