During this FREE Webinar you will:

  • Discover The Five Essential Shifts to fully achieving Self Liberation & Freedom!
  • Discover why you’re holding back and learn an invaluable missing link that will help you break through once and for all!


  • How to Dismantle Your Old Ways of Being and become the unstoppable creator
    you’re destined to be, NOW!


  • Learn to harness the powers of The Seven Divine Portals to ground deeply with the earth and nature, transform pain and suffering into power, and ignite your creative fire!

  • Release and transform “victim” energy, harness your Inner Warrior Power and boldly create a lasting impact and legacy.


  • You must join me if you’re Ready for Radical Change and don’t want to waste another precious moment of your life! 

Meet Susan Jenkins

Susan Jenkins is a shaman priestess, spiritual midwife and medicine dreamer who uses shamanic spirit and earth based practices to help people heal, empower themselves, and align with their soul essence and purpose. Susan received her unique gift of sight over three decades ago when she faced a serious health crisis that opened her to the realms of spirit and her shamanic path. She journeys there to receive wisdom, inspiration and guidance from the earth, spirit guides, power animals, the elements and forces of nature. A heart-centered, light worker, Susan works in collaboration with luminous beings to clear, heal, uplift, and balance energies.

Susan works with clients in her private program and yearlong group programs. Clients report profound healing and positive shifts from working with her.