Welcome to Day #15
Joshua Bloom
Joshua’s interview has now expired. If you want to purchase the Upgrade Package with all the interviews and expert bonuses Click Here!
On today’s interview we talk about:
- Joshua’s own experience of the “dark night of the soul” that led him to his powerful quantum healing work.
- Identifying the root cause of your emotions is key.
- How many women can actually be experiencing a collective energy field of feeling less than and unworthy.
- Being embodied. Connecting and accessing your higher self within your body.
- Moving the energies causing the problems stored in the cells.
- Opening the space for stored energies to move, shift and transform.
- How confidence is an energy that we can activate in the body.
- Joshua shares a powerful experiential process that you can start using right away to shift and move
energies quickly and easily.
“When miracles seem impossible, I help people heal themselves instantly, through the science of energy,” — Joshua Bloom.
Internationally Acclaimed Trusted Authority on Quantum Healing, the Executive Producer of the cutting edge film, “The Ultimate Answer is inside™,” and the host of the innovative and transformational Internet TV Show,TheQuantumShift.TV Joshua Bloom, has been featured on the front page of The Washington Post as one of the first coaches ever to be featured in the mainstream media. He has been featured internationally on both radio stations and TeleSeminars.
Author of HOW TO HEAL YOURSELF INSTANTLY, among many other audio and video programs, Joshua is doing what most people would consider being impossible:
He assists his students and clients in completely releasing ailments such as fibromyalgia, pain, anxiety, fear, depression, allergies, Migraine Headaches, Attention Deficit, and much more. Additionally, he trains students to heal themselves and helps others do the same in his extraordinary Come to The Edge! Certification Program.
Joshua is a Master Life and Business Coach, a Neuro-Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner, a Certified Hypnotherapist, a certified practitioner of the Emotional Freedom Techniques, a Master Teacher in Being Quantum™, Seichim and Usui Reiki, and founder of the Quantum Healing Center LLC.

Meet your host Susan Jenkins!
Susan Jenkins is a Shamanic Practitioner, Spiritual Midwife and Medicine Dreamer who uses shamanic spirit and earth based practices to help people heal, empower themselves, and align with their soul essence and purpose. Susan received her unique gift of sight over three decades ago when she faced a serious health crisis that opened her to the realms of spirit and her shamanic path. She journeys there to receive wisdom, inspiration and guidance from the earth, spirit guides, power animals, the elements and forces of nature. A heart-centered, light worker, Susan works in collaboration with luminous beings to clear, heal, uplift, and balance energies. Clients report profound healing and positive shifts from her work. Susan works with clients in her private “Dreaming and Embodying Your Vision” program (CLICK HERE to find out more) and yearlong group program, “Birthing Yourself Into Being”. New group program starts in June 2016. CLICK HERE to find out more!
Interested in hearing more about me and my journey? Click the button to the left to listen to Neil Sattin’s interview with me!
The Inner Warrior Summit brought to you by SUSAN JENKINS of SHAMANICHEALINGWORK.COM.
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