Are you READY TO FINALLY LIBERATE YOURSELF from shame, sabotaging beliefs, repetitive patterns and stories that may be eroding your confidence, influencing and controlling you?

Are you sick and tired of repeating the same disempowering patterns and stories – and READY FOR A NEW LEVEL of FREEDOM, JOY AND UNBRIDLED SELF LOVE?

Do you look outside of yourself and to others for VALIDATION, WORTHINESS and LOVE?

If you’ve answered “YES” to any of these questions – you’ve come to just the right place!


The Divine Union Within a Deeply Healing Journey of Self Love, Empowerment & Inner Illumination
Heal Ancestral, Cultural Wounds ~ Harness Your Power & Learn How to Nurture & Cultivate Your Divine Sacred Union Within
An Illuminating SACRED, SAFE GATHERING PLACE to heal, cherish and empower yourself – and learn how to cultivate and consummate your DIVINE UNION WITHIN
9 Month Group Program
June 23rd, 2021 – March 2022

Do you struggle with loving, nurturing and respecting yourself?

Does any of this resonate with you?
- You’re here to learn how to finally put your own needs first, to love yourself unconditionally, and step fully into your power, self dignity and sovereignty.
- The only problem is – you can’t seem to stop repeating the same disempowering patterns and stories – no matter what you try – and you’re exhausted from trying to “figure it all out” on your own!
- Have you ever wondered why you keep finding yourself right back in the same place, over and over again – which further erodes your self respect, self love and dignity?
- Until we shift inside, we keep attracting the same person. The same outcome. The same things. What’s often beneath this is, that we’ve been systematically silenced, diminished, and groomed to please.
- Do you ever wish you could finally liberate, cherish, heal and love yourself, without having to rehash and relive past trauma, abuse and wounding all over again?
There is a way more gentle, nurturing, loving way! Stay with me here…
- You may not believe this – but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you!
- You’re not meant to figure it all out – to do it all on your own – even though you’ve been groomed to think you’re a failure if you’re not!
- That’s the disempowering, patriarchal, oppressive, codependent myth we’ve all been fed, duped and brainwashed by!
- It’s time for all of us to courageously declare, “NO MORE!” for the sake of ourselves and our planet!
- Time to remember our wild, creature selves – To trust in our deepest knowing – To restore confidence in our intrinsic power, wisdom, intuition, and inner knowing.
- To learn how to cherish, cultivate and restore our connection to the divine light of our beings – To celebrate and honor our divine nature.
- To cherish, respect and fall deeply in love with ourselves on a whole new level!
- To dream, vision and create a sane, manageable, sustainable, life giving, health honoring, self loving lifestyle, and way of being and living.
This is your birthright!

- If you’re like most people I talk to – chances are – despite all the years of personal work you’ve done – you still struggle at times with loving, nurturing and cherishing yourself unconditionally – no matter your shape, weight, height, color, health, wealth, job, you name it…….

- And you may be frustrated with how you keep repeating sabotaging patterns and old stories, but don’t know how to stop!

- Your sense of worthiness is often dependent on other people’s feelings, opinions, and projections about you – and you’re exhausted and so ready to be done with it!

- You’re sick and tired of sabotaging yourself and want to silence the relentless voice of your inner critic, once and for all – but don’t know how to, or even where to begin!

- You feel ungrounded and unsettled and like all the cards of your life have been tossed up in the air and you have no idea where they will land!

- You long to feel empowered, autonomous and sovereign in your relationships and life – even though you don’t even know quite what that means!

- You often feel suffocated by cultural expectations and norms, and trapped inside oppressive, white supremacist, patriarchal systems. Even though you’re not quite sure what “the patriarchy” even is, you feel it’s demeaning, disempowering effect on you!

If you’re really being honest with yourself, you may be afraid to move on and let go of those sabotaging, patterns and diminishing stories.
Because, first, -they may feel comfortable, familiar, and oddly “safe” , which in itself is crazy making, and brings up more self loathing and shame – which you hide and keep secret!
And second, you’re afraid to shine light on your shadows – and do your inner illumination work – because you’re more afraid of being disappointed and/or failing – than liberating and empowering yourself! That’s crazy making, right?
What’s more, these repeated thoughts and patterns can suck the vitality right out of us!
When we dwell in this space, it feels like we’re not making any headway or difference for anyone – least of all ourselves.
If this resonates with you – YOU’RE CERTAINLY NOT ALONE! This is such a painful, familiar, insidious trap so many people find themselves in.
And, a trap that you get to FREE YOURSELF FROM – once and for all!

Believe me – I totally get it!
I’ve spent years in recovery working to liberate myself from the insidious, life draining trance and impossible expectations of what I call the Codependent, Patriarchal, Playbook – that run under the surface, influence and control most of our lives.
I spent years being the peacekeeper – playing the “walking on eggshells” part – supporting everyone’s else’s visions first – trying to meet all the expectations – spoken and unspoken.
Living a disempowered, addictive, codependent life is extremely painful, heart wrenching, entrapping, and eroding our sense of worthiness, confidence, self love, self dignity, and self respect. You don’t have to live that way anymore!
Would you rather feel unworthy and self critical – Or self loving, honoring, & FREE?

What will it take to finally liberate yourself from these societal cages and grids!
The truth is – liberation requires the shedding of old skins – our false identities – and a willingness to get a little uncomfortable!
Liberation is a birthing process – which includes uncomfortable contractions – deep breathing – surrender and trust – a transition where nothing seems to make sense – and a magnificent light shining at the end of the birthing tunnel!
Are you ready to cultivate self love and Your Divine Union Within – get just a little uncomfortable, so that you can birth into the most self loving, cherishing, shining version of yourself this year?
The Divine Union Within Program is designed to help you trust and put yourself first gain confidence in your intuition and inner knowing – stop playing small and being a victim – and learn how to cultivate unbridled self love, respect, wisdom, and Your Sacred Divine Union Within.

“I recently completed Susan’s yearlong Diamond Program and am still enjoying the Birthing Yourself Into Being Group. I had never heard of Susan yet scheduled a free consultation during one of the summits. She “nailed” my current issue and brought deep insight into the root cause of my problem. I felt an inner voice say; “you need to study with her, allow yourself to be nurtured and birthed into who you are at a higher level.” The cost was substantial; but over time my investment in me; was well worth it. I think the spirits honored my sacrifice and each visioning call with Susan profoundly contributed to my overall health and wellness. One of the things I most appreciate about Susan is her way of sharing from what she is currently working through or has already worked through in her life. She embodies the concept of being a wounded healer and warrioress. I experienced internal alchemy and integration of body, mind, and spirit during the year of our work together. I am most grateful for the genuine wisdom and insight I received while working with Susan. I can tell you she is a real gem-the real deal; authentic, wild, fun, cutting edge, wise, and warm. She represents the total package and you too can benefit from connecting with Susan 1:1 for a healing-coaching transformative experience”.

What’s missing? What’s the Secret Elixir to Your LIBERATION and UNBRIDLED SELF LOVE?

It’s not that you aren’t capable of finally letting go and healing from all the conditioning, limitations and disempowering patterns – or that you’re not worthy of all the unlimited flow of self love you deserve and long for…
It may just be that you haven’t felt safe enough yet to let go of control of thinking you have to do it all by yourself – or to fully surrender to your deepest knowing – or learned how to ground deeply with the earth – invoke portals in nature, and call in the wisdom and guidance of the many spirit guides, animal spirits and beneficial allies – there, just waiting in the wings for you to ask for their help!
Want to know the secret behind finally liberating yourself and stop playing small?
How to cultivate and cultivate limitless, unconditional self love, respect and devotion – and become your own devoted beloved?
Come join us in The Divine Union Within sacred, safe, loving circle – enter into this deep vortex of healing, illumination and birthing we will be lovingly creating together.

Do you feel STIRRED and EXCITED TO JOIN US – but are also AFRAID that maybe you just don’t have what it takes to change?

Or, feel AFRAID that if you register you won’t participate and follow through – and will find yourself right back where you started – but EVEN MORE DISCOURAGED with yourself?

If you resonate please know you’re certainly not alone! This inner quandary is totally natural, and often just what comes up when we’re about to finally say “yes” to ourselves – to take the leap – to commit to deep healing and long lasting change.

What makes The Divine Union Within different from so many other programs, is that I will teach you how to ground deeply with the earth and her stabilizing magnetic fields – to invoke and align with the natural world, in a way that you’ll never feel alone again.

I’ll teach you how to meet and work with spirit animals and beneficial guides whom you can call on anytime, during and long after our nine month journey together ends.

Within this loving, safe, earth, nature and spirit centered container you’ll feel safe to naturally drop into yourself – to be embodied in a way you may have never experienced before. From here you will feel connected to a deep well of divine love, that you’ll be able to drink from for the rest of your life.

This is an invitation to return home to yourself in the safest and most loving ways – to peel back and shed all the layers of “who you are not,” in your own timing – absolutely free of pressure and judgement. To remember and consummate YOUR DIVINE UNION WITHIN!

If you’re feeling stirred to join us – I highly encourage you to trust yourself – take a loving leap for you – and commit to your healing, liberation and unbridled self love with me!

“Susan Jenkins is a powerful, wise, shamanic teacher and healer. As a Licensed Counselor and Shamanic Minister myself, when I was in need of assistance, I turned to Susan. She was elegant and thorough in her ministrations of soul retrieval, cord cutting as well as calling in and downloading new information and transmissions. She effectively cleared, cleansed and blessed me as she raised my vibration to higher levels. I have lost 25 pounds and my energy and productivity is soaring. As a result of our work together I am embarking on a new journey to higher practice and with greater confidence”.
Rev. Gail Foss RN, LADC, Reiki Master
Minister of Shamanic Psycho Spiritual Studies

- You’re frustrated because you keep repeating old sabotaging patterns and stories – and just don’t know how to stop!
- You’re frustrated because you keep repeating old sabotaging patterns and stories – and just don’t know how to stop!
- You tend to look outside yourself for validation and worthiness, which is draining and exhausting – and you’re over it!
- You tend to look outside yourself for validation and worthiness, which is draining and exhausting – and you’re over it!
- You’d like to learn how to unleash the electrifying, creative potential and power when your divine masculine & feminine archetypes are working in harmony – and how that can enrich your life.
- You want to learn how to deepen your connection with nature, the earth and your beneficial spirit animals and guides.
- You long to feel empowered, autonomous and sovereign in your life even though you don’t even know quite what that means!
- You’re sick and tired of sabotaging yourself and want to silence the voice of your inner critic, once and for all!
- You’re done with trying to complete yourself with others and want to feel whole unto yourself.
- You’re still hiding in a relationship, have a fear of intimacy, and are so ready to heal and be present, intimate and autonomous, in all relationships.
- You’re still hiding in a relationship, have a fear of intimacy, and are so ready to heal and be present, intimate and autonomous, in all relationships.
- You long for more stability and confidence, and want to be centered in your personal power.
- You’re ready to cultivate a deep sense of trust in your magic, intuition, wisdom and knowing.
- You’re ready to cultivate a deep sense of trust in your magic, intuition, wisdom and knowing.
- You often feel suffocated and held back by cultural expectations and norms and feel trapped by the patriarchy.
- And even though you’re not sure what “the patriarchy” even is – you feel it’s disempowering influence and effect on you!

I created THE DIVINE UNION WITHIN so that you can experience what it feels like to uncover and unlock your magic, ignite your inner light – and activate your creative potential and power sourced from a Love – Based paradigm.

During our 9 months together you will:
- Liberate yourself from patriarchal chains, stories and disempowering myths that may still be influencing and impeding your life.
- Explore your relationship with your inner masculine and feminine energies and how to navigate the intricate dance between these powerful archetypal forces.
- Learn about the balancing powers of the Sun and Moon Lodge.
- Ground yourself with the Earth and the Planetary Cosmic Medicine Wheel for stability, strength and inner power.
- Explore the relationship between your inner woman and man and learn ways to nourish their divine union within.
- Claim your inner power, autonomy and divine sovereignty!

If you’ve been considering joining us, I want to answer some of the questions people have been asking me.
Why should I enroll in The Divine Union Within Program?
Because we’ve been so groomed, conditioned and encouraged to prioritize everything and everybody but ourselves. No one is going to prioritize you, besides you!
It’s nearly impossible to recognize the underlying, disempowering patterns, systems and stories running our lives, on our own! We are not meant to do this inner illumination work alone! Having a safe, confidential, loving space you can trust – where you can be respectfully witnessed, honored and held while you open to your vulnerable, healing work, is absolutely invaluable.
One of the things I am best known for is creating space where people feel safe to be vulnerable, truthful, raw and real – as they dismantle the old and birth into a whole new, loving way of being and living.
A former client shares, “You really walk the talk. All blessings be. The group was absolutely lovely, substantive, informative and engaging. I have been in many groups and on the medicine path for many years. The alchemy you fostered and brought to this group was magical. Being witnessed, sharing in others’ journeys and developing additional tools to connect to the essence of who I am has empowered me to step forward into this next phase of my life with joy.” – Daphne Wales, Rhode Island, USA
How do I know if this program is even right for me now?
Do you ever wake up in the morning with low grade anxiety – with an underlying sense of unworthiness, failure and feeling “not enough” – like there’s something missing in your life, but you aren’t sure what it even is, or where to turn next? Do you long for more, even though you don’t know what you’re longing for? Do you ever feel like you’re wasting your life? Are you tired of being unloving and critical of yourself? Does your heart long to feel safe enough to soften, open and receive love on a whole other level?
If any of this resonates with you – this program is for you! Just imagine what it could be like 9 months from now when you’re waking up feeling confident, joyful, satisfied, excited, on purpose – and completely in love with all of you – exactly as you are!
You use the word “Divine” in the title. Is this religious or faith based?
No, not at all. The work I do is about being spiritually connected to an infinite, divine source that we are all sourced from – beyond any religions or spiritual dogmas – expansive and all-inclusive. The planetary medicine wheel work includes the entire web of life, the earth, nature, the cosmos and universal energies and forces.
How many people will there be in the program?
Rest assured, this will be an exclusive, intimate group of some of my most committed clients – with only an additional 12 spaces being offered to the public. You will not get lost in the crowd like you may have in other groups where there are hundreds, if not thousands of people. Within this intimate, confidential container, you will feel trusting and safe to be vulnerable, seen, held and lovingly witnessed by me and the others, through your healing, empowering journey.
What if I’ve never done any guided spiritual journey work before?
No problem! The program is designed for people who are new to guided journey work, and those with more experience in journeying in the spirit realms.
Will I be able to keep up with everyone if I’ve never worked with The Planetary Medicine Wheel?
Yes! Everyone is so very different. The program is designed so that you can learn to implement the teachings and practices at your own pace. We are a circle with no sense of competition or hierarchy.
Should I enroll in The Divine Union Within even if I don’t trust myself to do the work or that I have what it takes to heal and change?
Yes! Learning to trust ourselves is foundational to the work we’ll be diving into during the first seven weeks – in the direction of the south on the Planetary Medicine Wheel. You will be amazed and surprised by yourself and your courage – and at what you’re capable of on this empowering journey!
I’ve never invested in myself for anything like this before. How will I make it worth it?
All you need to do is show up – exactly as you are – be willing to go at your own pace, in your own timing – and practice being loving, respectful and gentle with yourself, no matter what. I have confidence that your life will transform and shift in ways you may never have imagined possible! I believe you are more than worthy of carving out this space for yourself this year – not sometime in the future or sometime next year – the time to gift yourself all of you is now!
How often will we meet? What if I can’t make it to the live ZOOM calls?
We will meet on the first 3 Wednesdays of each month, 5-6:30 PM Eastern (July 2021 – March 2022). If you can’t make the live calls, you can easily access the replays on your user-friendly Kajabi program page and App – where you will have ongoing access to all the program materials, for years to come!
What’s the difference between the Option #1 and Option #2 Upgrade?
The Option #2 Upgrade includes 5 personal sessions with me over 9 months. You will have the opportunity to share in depth your experiences and journeys with me, and I’ll be able to tune in specifically with you, to help you integrate and implement all you’ll be discovering and learning about yourself within the group journey. One-on-one personal contact with me over the 9 months will be invaluable!

I invite you to ENTER INTO THIS SACRED, SAFE, LOVING CIRCLE of deep healing and illumination with us – Come learn how to finally quiet those sabotaging voices in your beautiful mind & Become Your Own Most Devoted, Cherished Beloved!
It’s time we all join together to dream, vision, and create a manageable, sane, sustainable, self honoring lifestyle and way of being and living for ourselves –

Choose Payment Option for
The Divine Union Within Below

Choose Payment Option for
The Divine Union Within Below
Registration Option #1
3 live ZOOM group calls per month (July 2021 – March 2022)
Bonus introductory, orientation Zoom call on June 23rd
Extensive Kajabi program access with replays, extensive support materials, including a 38 page interactive program workbook!
Private Facebook Forum (Group members only)
Payment Plan – $500 Deposit
$397 $297/month x 9 months
Pay in Full and Save an Additional $500!

Registration Option #2:
VIP Upgrade
3 live ZOOM group calls per month (July 2021 – March 2022)
Bonus introductory, orientation Zoom call on June 23rd
Extensive Kajabi program access with replays, extensive support materials, including a 38 page interactive program workbook!
Private Facebook Forum (Group members only)
5 VIP Private Sessions with Susan (Invaluable!)
You will have 5 personal sessions with Susan over 9 months.
Opportunity to share with Susan what you’ve recorded in your Divine Union Within interactive workbook, while documenting your 9 months group journey and progress.
Susan will be able to tune in specifically with you, to help you integrate and implement all you’ll be discovering and learning about yourself within the group journey.
One on one personal contact with Susan will be invaluable!
Payment Plan – $500 Deposit
$597 $497/month x 9 months
Pay in Full and Save an Additional $900!
Interested but wanting to get clear if it’s the right fit for you?
Click below to fill out a short application and book a Free 15 minute call with me!

“Being a part of Susan’s Diamond Program: Dreaming & Embodying Your Vision, is worth more than you can imagine in lifetimes. In such a short period of time of this private shamanic mentorship, my entire life had dramatically changed. I am literally emanating vast amounts of light, so much that others around me who’ve known me can see and feel the difference!! Susan helped my healership unfold into a deeper, otherworldly level with her wisdom, awakening incredible powers and gifts within from past lives and ancestry, allowing me to discover and fully embody the mystical, magical ancient healer that I am. Susan was there for me when I had an emergency mental breakdown with my husband and guided me to speak my truth, in turn, shifted my marriage to become the strongest it’s been in 20 years. With the activations I’ve learned, I’m able to clear my son and daughter regularly, so they are incredibly happy all day every day, in-tune, calm, and productive. I also truly enjoyed being part of the groups Birthing into Being and Earth Medicine & Magic, connecting with others and diving into many journeys, always such wild vivid visioning and feeling beautiful ancient energy. Susan helped create the most amazingly worded Amplified Vision Statement, all of which became true and completed in less than a year, all of it. Being an elemental and feeling the magnitude of connecting with nature through Susan’s shamanic journeys has been a blessing. Thanks to her, I was able to connect to my ancestors even thousands of years ago, channel in ancient languages, expand my knowing, layer triple visioning, and learn so much about my past lives. Healing and creating not just this lifetime but in all lifetimes. She even sparked my inner warrioress who gave me strength to stand up for my entire community. But the BIGGEST thing Susan had helped me the most with is SOBRIETY! She helped me remove evil addictive entities and quit a 25-year nicotine addiction of smoking and vaping. I could not have done this without her guidance and I can actually BREATHE so much better!!! This is me at my purest. I’m happier than ever. Best spiritual investment I’ve ever made, hands down. My deepest gratitude and appreciation for working with Susan cannot be expressed enough through words. She knows how much I love her with all my heart and soul. It’s that unexplainable bond, understanding, and knowing that I will cherish forever. I am at the top of my sacred mountain screaming: I am liberated! I am my inner warrioress! I am powerful! I am free! I am ME!”
“I am overwhelmed with joy when I think about how my life has changed since working with Susan Jenkins. If you are looking to connect with spirit and do some deep inner work, you will be amazed to find powerful medicine to move you forward on your life’s path. Susan’s soothing voice and gentle guidance take you on amazing Shamanic journeys to the invisible realms. There you will meet your power animals and spirit guides with their unique and meaningful messages. I have been able to overcome blocks to take the steps necessary to manifest my dreams. New opportunities are opening up for me and Susan is helping me feel empowered to go forth with confidence! With the sound of the drum I have journeyed to miraculous places, and emerged to break free of self criticism and self doubt to become a warrioress and create my life’s vision. I am so grateful to have found Susan and her abundant wisdom. If you get stuck or need support she is always accessible to help you. I have become more peaceful, playful, and appreciative of the beauty of nature all around me because of Susan’s teachings. She can help you uncover your own special gifts and talents so you too can be rebirthed into your best and highest self.”
“Almost a year ago now, I found out about the Birthing yourself into Being group program. In that moment, I knew that Susan would guide us through a transformative year of self-reflection, deep spiritual engagement and healing. Her gifts come from unfaltering dedication and years of sincere practice. When we journey together I know that Susan’s personal work and knowledge of spirit world, as well as the time and care she has put into preparing the space, will allow the experience to be as revealing and heartful as my soul needs.
I am sincerely grateful to my guides and ancestors for having put this opportunity on my path.
I know Susan’s heart well and she is a gift to all of us who wish to stand in our true light as brave light-beings working towards an awakened humanity. We are the universe evolving in love and awareness. If this work calls to you, do not hesitate.”
“Susan is what I consider to be an awakened, honorable and sacred healer full of grace. Working with her, I felt able to shine light into the most intense and forgotten wounds; together we un-buried them and her gifts helped me to move forward. I learned so much from her gifts and about working with the path that the shamanic healing journey offers us. My work with Susan was the most empowering healing in my journey so far (since my awakening process began in 1998). Susan is gently strong in her ability to hold the sacred space for healing and for us to step into our own power and to recognize who we truly are. She was exactly what I needed when I needed it every step of the way.”
“I recently completed Susan’s yearlong Diamond Program and am still enjoying the Birthing Yourself Into Being Group. I had never heard of Susan yet scheduled a free consultation during one of the summits. She “nailed” my current issue and brought deep insight into the root cause of my problem. I felt an inner voice say; “you need to study with her, allow yourself to be nurtured and birthed into who you are at a higher level.” The cost was substantial; but over time my investment in me; was well worth it. I think the spirits honored my sacrifice and each visioning call with Susan profoundly contributed to my overall health and wellness. One of the things I most appreciate about Susan is her way of sharing from what she is currently working through or has already worked through in her life. She embodies the concept of being a wounded healer and warrioress. I experienced internal alchemy and integration of body, mind, and spirit during the year of our work together. I am most grateful for the genuine wisdom and insight I received while working with Susan. I can tell you she is a real gem-the real deal; authentic, wild, fun, cutting edge, wise, and warm. She represents the total package and you too can benefit from connecting with Susan 1:1 for a healing-coaching transformative experience”.
“Susan Jenkins is a powerful, wise, shamanic teacher and healer. As a Licensed Counselor and Shamanic Minister myself, when I was in need of assistance, I turned to Susan. She was elegant and thorough in her ministrations of soul retrieval, cord cutting as well as calling in and downloading new information and transmissions. She effectively cleared, cleansed and blessed me as she raised my vibration to higher levels. I have lost 25 pounds and my energy and productivity is soaring. As a result of our work together I am embarking on a new journey to higher practice and with greater confidence”.
Rev. Gail Foss RN, LADC, Reiki Master
Minister of Shamanic Psycho Spiritual Studies
“I have been participating in Susan’s Earth Medicine and Magic weekly online program since April 2020. Susan provides a secure, safe container for our Sacred Path sessions and these sessions have proven immensely beneficial for me, as she crafts a sacred space to explore and release deeply held traumas, receive wisdom from the imital realms, co-create with our ancestors and receive Medicine Wheel teachings. As a participant in what feels like an accepting and loving family, I am given the opportunity every week to cultivate deeper listening skills, new strategies to reflect on my personal narratives, build trust and be present for the other members of our tribe. Personally, I feel more liberated, clear, grounded and connected to the world than I have in many years. Every week, I look forward to Susan playing her medicine drum, listening to the teachings, being in community and weaving some magic!”
“I have been working with Susan in private sessions for 3 years and I am so grateful for the role she plays in my life. I have been going through one difficult transition after another – personally and professionally, as well as facing significant health challenges. Susan is always there for me providing a loving, deeply earth connected, steady guiding presence.
Susan is a powerful healer, using her wisdom of the medicine wheel and the 4 directions as a basis for the various healing modalities she draws upon to help me navigate my challenges. I always feel strong, grounded, inspired, and clear after our sessions.
Susan lives in the Maine forest in a house that she and her husband built themselves 40 years ago. Her daily life is rooted in the Earth-based teachings she draws upon to help others. Surrounded by her beloved trees, birds, and animals, she is continually recharged with Mother Nature’s energy. I always feel that when we come together. I immediately relax.
Susan is unique and authentic. Her loving guidance and steady wise presence has been and continues to be critical to my process of living into and being my True Self after a 40 year career as a solar entrepreneur in the corporate world. Susan is a gift to me and I feel to everyone who has the opportunity to work with her.”
“Susan is a powerful, intuitive healer, teacher, and seer. Her approach is deeply respectful of the individual. Susan has an open heart and a remarkable capacity for deep listening. She is tremendously humble and gives feedback and insight that is transformational, deep, and true. I began to work with Susan when I was 17 years old (about 17 years ago). I was in the early stages of recovering memories of sexual and physical abuse, and I needed help to navigate what was a very complicated and difficult time. As a way to cope with my trauma, I had lived most of my 17 years ‘asleep’, unconscious of the fear that was coloring my life. The work I did with Susan was instrumental in my healing and awakening. During our time together, I learned to trust my own intuition, and I learned to find answers and healing from within. I learned a language and gained an understanding about personal power and boundaries that I continue to use every single day. My journey has been long. In these last 17 years I have worked with numerous therapists, councilors, psychics, and teachers. The quality of healing work that I did with Susan stands alone – not only because of the personal tools I gained in the process, but because her approach was so deeply tailored and intuitively tuned to me and what I needed at the time. It was an honor to work with her, and I will be forever grateful to her for all she has given me.”
“I recently completed a one-year commitment of working with Susan. I walked away from the work we did together with more tools for personal growth, deeper insights into myself, and a more deeply embodied sense of personal direction and purpose. I continue to integrate all the jewels from this beautiful journey, and appreciated the opportunity to do this work closely with Susan”.
“I have worked with Susan Jenkins for 8 months. She is a wonderful midwife shaman but is also much more. She is wise, kind, compassionate, non judgmental, and a friend. She creates a safe environment for journeying, healing and for discussing feelings that often like to remain hidden. She gently suggests things such as writing vision statements, answering some questions after the classes and journaling. I was resistant to doing the work but when I did it I learned so much more about myself. I highly recommend her if you are interested in shamanic work and learning more about yourself”.
“Each meeting I have had with Susan is a true gift. With the journeys and knowledge Susan provided, I am able to truly look within. There are so many inner layers to discover, and rediscover. Shining a light on these layers, and learning to use my inner resources has been a game changer. My life is becoming a more confident, courageous journey that I am proud to lead.”

Meet Susan Jenkins
Susan Jenkins, Light Worker, Healer & Medicine Dreamer, has been walking her spirit path for over four decades. A well-seasoned practitioner, teacher, visionary and loving guide – Susan helps people heal, empower themselves, embody their shining essence, and manifest their soul visions and purpose – through spirit, nature, earth centered practices, sacred ceremony and guided journey work.
She journeys into the realms of spirit to retrieve messages, inspiration and guidance from spirit allies and animal guides – and works with the transformative powers of the cosmic planetary medicine wheel. Clients report profound healing, illumination and life altering shifts from working with her.