The energy around this new moon cycle has been powerful and spirit moving. Have you been feeling this too?
It’s an important time to clarify your soul vision and set clear goals and intentions for this moon cycle, which takes us right through the Winter Solstice northwest doorway, and into the New Year! A great time to clear out the old on the spiritual and physical planes, to create the space within and without for fresh new energies to flow and soar.
These days I’ve been meditating at least once a day, which draws me into a profound silence where I merge with the mystery and open to the subtle whispers of spirit. I find that the silence and magnetic pull of the earth’s deep solstice dreaming can really balance the collective rush and business of the holidays. When I practice this daily, everything flows more gracefully and easily.
6 weeks ago I wrote a post that feels just as relevant now as it did then. In it I talk about all the guidance and inspiration that’s easily accessible to everyone, just behind the veils between the worlds.
I’ve navigated the shamanic territories for over 3 decades now, and am passionate about opening people to the magical sea of endless possibilities, guidance, solutions and healing that’s right there for anyone!
Read more..http://www.
I love telling medicine stories! The next time I write I’ll share one.
Radiating light,
Gentle Buffalo Woman