It’s June already!
It’s been quite awhile since I’ve written. I have so much to share that you’ll be hearing from me more now that I’ve had time to rest and rejuvenate after hosting “The Inner Warrior Summit”.
At this time of year I so look forward to seeing the first lupines and smelling the rich aroma of lilacs wafting in on a soft summer breeze.When they bloom it’s a sure sign that summer’s finally here on our peninsula on the beautiful New England Maine coast.
On the recent new moon an otter showed up in my pond that I look down on from my desk window. I took her presence as a reminder to swim easily and playfully in my life, and trust my intuition and deep feminine wisdom.
With the summer solstice just 2 weeks away here in the northern hemisphere, and the winter solstice there in the southern, coupled with the newly waxing moon energy, it’s a perfect time for clearing all your spaces, sacred altars, surfaces, drawers, desks etc., setting your intentions and creating a clear, ignited vision.
At each solstice or equinox doorway I revisit my vision statement for the year and encourage my clients to as well. In January mine birthed into a 15 page book! I believe in expansive dreaming!
Having a clear vision and plan is so essential that the first thing I have new clients do is consciously imagine, dream, write and co-create where they want to be 6 months from now and a year from now. I encourage them to honor and accept exactly where they find themselves and create a detailed, specific plan to get them moving and flowing from their essence and taking inspired “right actions” to support them in manifesting their deepest dreams and embodying their “soul purpose”.
Together, we create a strategy and begin the work of identifying their blocks,old patterns, sabotaging thoughts and beliefs, and releasing anything from the past that no longer serves them and is preventing them from being their most empowered, ignited self.
On the shamanic path we learn to trust, surrender and work with the earth, the beneficial spirit guides, spirit animals, the elements, the powers of the directions, and so much more. There are so many beneficial spirit guides just waiting to guide, teach and inspire us.
You don’t need to do it all alone anymore!
In truth, what we often discover is that until we tame our trickster minds and egos we really are not always our wisest council or teacher. It’s wise to have our mentors, and spiritual midwives who’ve gone through the fire themselves, to hold space and support us on our inner transformational journey.
Do you have a strategy and plan for the next 6 months or year?
Do you feel clear, grounded and focused?
Do you feel fulfilled and on track with your intentions and vision?
If you’d like some guidance and help you can schedule a free clarity call with me right HERE.
I have some exciting upcoming events that I’ll be announcing soon, so please keep an eye out.
With light.
Gentle Buffalo Woman