How’s your year going so far?
Wow, it’s January 20th already! How did that happen?
If you’re anything like me you probably set strong intentions and made big some promises to yourself at the end of last year.
And, being human, you may have already let yourself down and not followed through on some of them already.
There are certainly a few things I’ve let slide already myself.
If this is true for you too, then the most important question to ask you is, “How do you treat yourself and manage the stories you may make up about yourself when you don’t follow through with your intentions and promises to yourself?”
Do you feel like a failure? Have you lost faith and trust in yourself? Or, like you’ve betrayed yourself once again? Do you ever feel like your old patterns will never stop following you, no matter what you do?
Your answers will actually reveal the root cause and underlying reason for what may be keeping you stuck and feeling dis-empowered in the rest of your life.
The good news is that by learning the loving, nurturing “inner warrior” art of recommitting and connecting with spirit and the earth, through simple and powerful shamanic practices, you can absolutely get right back on track, realign and set yourself for an ignited, amazing year ahead!
If you’ve resonated with anything I’ve said here, I’d love to hear from you!
Just email me at: support@susanjenkins.com and share your intentions, dreams and big visions for 2017. Please include what may be standing in the way of you manifesting the most empowered ignited year ever?
In spirit and light,
Gentle Buffalo Woman