Susan Jenkins brings 39 years of experience to her spiritual healing practice

Over her life, Susan has immersed herself in a wide variety of earth centered studies, practices and other healing modalities.

39 years ago Susan went through a serious health crisis, a powerful initiation and “small death passage”, that landed her on her path as a shamanic practitioner and healer. Through that powerful passage, and years of spiritual training and study, Susan developed her gift and ability to “journey” beyond the physical plane to connect with and receive guidance and inspiration from spirit, the cosmos, earth, beneficial spirit guides and power animals.

In her readings, she sees and senses underlying energies that may be influencing a person’s health, relationships and life circumstances. After an initial consultation with a client Susan does a drumming and reading, specific to the client’s questions, needs and/or situation.

Her readings often reveal specific areas in a person’s life where the energies are “off” for any number of reasons, sometimes uncovering influences from a past life or lives and possible soul retrieval work. She works to shift, balance and raise the frequency of the energies, later sharing specific guidance and personal instructions she has received. Readings can also take the form of assisting a client in finding ways to nourish and support a deep spiritual longing, often providing a welcome clarity, direction and specific guidance for stepping more fully onto their spirit path. In whatever direction a reading unfolds.

Susan is deeply committed to empowering her clients and giving them practical and spiritual tools for grounding, personal empowerment and healing. She currently offers personal and group programs. With limited space in her Diamond “Dreaming & Embodying Your Vision” 

Enrollment has begun for her new 9 month Your Divine Union Within group program that begins on June 23rd, 2021 just in time for the Solstice.

Learn more about next year’s Retreat at Blue Spirit Yoga Center in Costa Rica   April 9th – April 16th, 2022



Join the many people from around the world that have worked with Susan.

Spaces are limited, so if your heart says “yes”, commit to yourself today!


In a Group

Birthing Into Being 9 Month Program ~ Doors Open again in the fall of 2022

Join me for this highly unusual group experience for women who want to learn how to transform, liberate, illuminate and empower themselves, and embody their extraordinary potential, essence and power! Our birthing journey will begin in early December, the perfect time to plant your vision seeds and consciously dream and vision your life for the new year of Birthing Into Being!


Dreaming and Embodying Your Vision

Dreaming and Embodying Your Vision is designed for people who are fully committed to taking a deep journey within, nourish their spirits, ground with the earth, and cause empowering change in their lives. Over 9 months you will be nurtured, encouraged and supported by me as healer, spiritual guide, visionary, coach and medicine dreamer.

“The Shamanic work you have done with me has changed my life in deep, profound, and meaningful ways such that I am able to incorporate it into my daily life. Your work is grounded in established teachings and your ego so out of the picture I am eternally grateful. I can not say enough about you as person and you as a Shamanic healer. You really walk the talk. All blessings be.”

D.W., Rhode Island

“My experience with Susan was the most interesting journey of wonderful energy. Susan helped me regain a new outlook on my life and brought a strong healthy way to except the past and have hope and happiness in the near future. Wonderful things have surely appeared! Thank you Susan for teaching and showing me this strength.”

Susan Vanderlin, Maine