This event is now over.
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Want LIFETIME ACCESS to ALL the Interviews & Special Bonuses?
Exclusive Opportunity ONLY $197 for a limited time.
(a $1450 value!)
Please click on the images or titles below to access the Guest’s bios and FREE GIFTS!
Monday, March 28th
Day #2
Tuesday, March 29th
Wednesday, March 30th
It takes an entire village to honor a woman’s cycles. And when the village does, everyone benefits and flourishes!
DeAnna L’am
Thursday, March 31th
Want LIFETIME ACCESS to ALL the Interviews & Special Bonuses?
Exclusive Opportunity ONLY $197 for a limited time.
(a $1450 value!)
Please click on the images or titles below to access the Guest’s bios and FREE GIFTS!
Friday, April 1st
Saturday, April 2nd
Sunday, April 3rd
Monday, April 4th

Please click on the images or titles below to access the Guest’s bios and FREE GIFTS!
Tuesday, April 5th
Wednesday, April 6th
Thursday, April 7th
Finding Stability and Equilibrium by Synchronizing
With the Cycles in Nature
Lena Stevens & Pat Liles
Friday, April 8th
Want LIFETIME ACCESS to ALL the Interviews & Special Bonuses?
Exclusive Opportunity ONLY $197 for a limited time.
(a $1450 value!)
Please click on the images or titles below to access the Guest’s bios and FREE GIFTS!
Saturday, April 9th
Sunday, April 10th
The Personal and Planetary Healing Power in Being, Practicing and Embodying Love in Everything We Do
Brooke Medicine Eagle
Monday, April 11th
Tuesday, April 12th

Please click on the images or titles below to access the Guest’s bios and FREE GIFTS!
Wednesday, April 13th
Thursday, April 14th
From Disconnection to Intimacy: The Art of Sacred Relationship
and Special *BONUS*
Interview with
Chloe Urban
& Neil Sattin!
Friday, April 15th
Want LIFETIME ACCESS to ALL the Interviews & Special Bonuses?
Exclusive Opportunity ONLY $197 for a limited time.
(a $1450 value!)
Please click on the images or titles below to access the Guest’s bios and FREE GIFTS!
Saturday, April 16th
Sunday, April 17th
Monday, April 18th

Susan Jenkins is a Shamanic Practitioner, Spiritual Midwife and Medicine Dreamer who uses shamanic spirit and earth based practices to help people heal, empower themselves, and align with their soul essence and purpose. Susan received her unique gift of sight over three decades ago when she faced a serious health crisis that opened her to the realms of spirit and her shamanic path. She journeys there to receive wisdom, inspiration and guidance from the earth, spirit guides, power animals, the elements and forces of nature. A heart-centered, light worker, Susan works in collaboration with luminous beings to clear, heal, uplift, and balance energies. Clients report profound healing and positive shifts from her work. Susan works with clients in her private program and yearlong group program, “Birthing Yourself Into Being”. New group program starts in June 2016. CLICK HERE to find out more!
Interested in hearing more about me and my journey? Click the button to the left to listen to Neil Sattin’s interview with me!

The Inner Warrior Summit brought to you by SUSAN JENKINS of SHAMANICHEALINGWORK.COM.
COPYRIGHT © 2016 Susan Jenkins. Site Designed by Chloe Faith Graphics.